I have an idea for a new project
Interested Member researchers (either individually or jointly) will submit an intake form to the Steering Committee, including:
A brief project summary (abstract), specific aims/goals, significance, and experimental design and methods
The Steering committee will review project proposals to ensure project topics are of interest to the consortium and are scientifically achievable
Comments and recommendations from the Steering committee may include the formation of a mentorship team or working group to further develop the initial project proposal and a request to resubmit the proposal after addressing reviews
Upon approval from the Steering committee:
The project will be more formally outlined and submitted as a modification to the S-IRB
Access will be granted for creating a new module in the repository with associated CRFs and database for clinical data (if any)
The project will be advertised to the CHIRP community
Participation in each project by Members is voluntary
PI for each project will have full access to de-identified data (no need to make queries)
Other contributors/readers will have limited access
Images may remain in the secure platform following the completion of the research project, as specified by each project/amendment.
Future studies using existing images will require a new project proposal to the Steering Committee including a plan for inclusive credit for the effort of original contributors. In addition to Steering committee approval, the original PI must be informed and will often be included as a co-investigator of the new project.
Images can be removed by the contributing Member researcher submitting a written request to the Steering Committee