1. Each project will include individuals from the study lead institution and member institutions who have agreed to contribute and/or review cases, who together form the Project Team 

  2. Reporting results from each project may take the form of abstracts, posters, presentations, and/or manuscripts. The outline below will apply for all forms of publication, with the following additional consideration for non-manuscript publication:  

    1. First authorship may depend on the investigator who is available to deliver the presentation 

    2. Author inclusion and author order may change between presentation and publication as additional analysis is performed or data is combined across aims 

    3. If there is a limit on the number of named authors for a scientific presentation, every attempt should be made to include the final author as “On Behalf of the CHIRP [PROJECT NAME] Team. If inclusion of the CHIRP [PROJECT NAME] Team as an author is not permitted, the team should be listed as an acknowledgement 

  3. Authorship Guidelines 

    1. Preliminary authorship roles will be proposed on the research proposal form, including first, second, and last authors 

    2. The PI will include updated authorship roles in the detailed research amendment if unknown or undecided at the time of the initial proposal.   

    3. Author order/requirements 

      1. First author:  Principle investigator or alternate designee (e.g., mentored trainee) 

    4. Second author: 

      1. Designated by the PI 

      2. If significant statistical support is required, this often will be a statistician 

      3. Otherwise, may be the individual responsible for any table or figure development 

    5. Last author: 

      1. Principle investigator if another designated for first author 

      2. Otherwise, identified as a senior expert in the field who serves as mentor for the PI 

    6. Other authors:  

  1. Project team co-investigators, including individuals from Member institutions who have agreed to contribute and/or review cases 

  2. Significant study contribution (e.g., study design, image reviews, data collection, trial coordination and execution, data analysis) 

  3. Inclusion of additional co-investigators (e.g., clinical collaborators) and author order for those co-investigators decided among Project Team Members  

  • All authors must fulfill authorship criteria per ICMJE 

  • All sites contributing data to a Project will have at least one author 

Additional Notes

  1. If allowed by the journal, all investigators who provided meaningful contributions to the study and meet ICJME criteria for authorship should be named. If a journal has a limit on the number of named authors, the goal is to maximize the number of named authors 

  2. First, second, and senior author should always be included as a named author 

  3. Inclusion as a named author should take into account work-effort for the trial and is determined at the discretion of the PI  

  4. There may be a limit on the number of named authors for certain journal. In these instances, the first author should reach out to the editor for permission to include additional authors. If not possible, every attempt should be made to include the final author as “On Behalf of the CHIRP [PROJECT NAME] Team.  The additional authors should then be listed in the acknowledgments section and their information included for indexing on PubMed. 


  • Reported studies will include CHIRP as an author and acknowledgement of personnel who are not authors and funders of CHIRP 

  • Authorship may be altered as needed per PI and approved by Steering Committee 

4. Manuscript preparation/submission 

  • First author is responsible for writing manuscript draft 

  • First, second, and last authors will prepare manuscript and address manuscript revision and production issues as needed 

  • Data must be shared among participating Member institutions for review prior to writing manuscript draft 

    • Project Team to provide opportunity to discuss data before manuscript draft written 

  • Manuscript approval 

    • Final version of manuscript to be edited and approved by all authors prior to submission/publication  

    • Specified timeline for final manuscript draft approval; if no response is received, then tacit approval will be assumed